Misanthrope And Tartuffe, By Molio?re, The (9780156605175)

Nutrition for Health and Health Care (9780495114819)

NUTRITION FOR HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE, Third Edition is designed for the clinical nutrition and/or diet therapy nutrition course, taught at both two- and four-year colleges and universities, in departments of Nursing, Nutrition, and Dietetics. It covers both the basic "normal" nutrition concepts, including metabolism, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and life cycle, followed by chapters on "clinical" topics organized by organ systems, linking nutrition to different disease states, such as diabetes, renal disease, and liver disorders. The text is full of supportive pedagogy, from review sections to case studies and quantitative activities. There are also new review questions to help students prepare for the NCLEX exam. Plus, beyond the text, there are a number of supplementary materials, including the Instructor Resource CD-ROM with PowerPoint lecture slides and text images, Diet Analysis+ 8.0, and Web support for online teaching.

Product details

  • Paperback | 616 pages
  • 213.36 x 271.78 x 22.86mm | 1,587.57g
  • English
  • 3rd ed.
  • Illustrations, unspecified
  • 0495114812
  • 9780495114819

Download Nutrition for Health and Health Care (9780495114819).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.

