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Senior Moments : What Happens When Your Brain Lets You Down (9781599215525)

From the author of Can't Remember Sh*t, here is a new trade paper original of all the things she forgot to put in the first book. Plus, this one has a softer, gentler title that many people won't be embarrassed to give to their parents! From coming to grips with new-fangled technology to forgetting your best friend's name, Senior Moments explores the whole spectrum of annoyances that befall us as we go gray at the temples, add a few inches to the mid-section, and can never remember what day of the week it is. Comprised of the experiences of everyone from politicians to TV talking heads, from the famous to the infamous (and everyone in-between), Senior Moments is crammed full of advice, anecdotes, confessions, quotes, tips, and excuses - and does it all without straining its back.

Product details

  • Paperback | 160 pages
  • 137.16 x 210.82 x 12.7mm | 204.12g
  • The Lyons Press
  • Guilford, United States
  • English
  • Original
  • 1599215527
  • 9781599215525
  • 1,770,115

Download Senior Moments : What Happens When Your Brain Lets You Down (9781599215525).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.

