Misanthrope And Tartuffe, By Molio?re, The (9780156605175)

Cracking the Code to Life Insurance Sales for the Multi Line Agent : 10 Essential Sales Skills to Help You and Your Sales Team Sell Life Insurance (1460269357)

The demand on multi-line reps to sell Life insurance has never been higher. Through my coaching, conducting sales interviews, and accompanying reps on joint sales calls, I've experienced the prospect interviews collected in this book. Many times after sharing these experiences while coaching or during a seminar, I've been told "You should put that in a book!" Well, now I have. The skills, concepts, and knowledge I put forth will help you become a skilled interviewer, build strong relationships, and will immediately impact your Life sales. I demonstrate how to get your clients and prospects engaged in your conversations; how different types of questions help improve the connections between you and your prospects; and how to successfully overcome common objections and close successfully. Whether you are new to the industry or have years of experience, what you'll learn here will be instrumental in building a successful multi-line career.

Product details

  • Paperback | 126 pages
  • 127 x 203 x 7mm | 132g
  • English
  • 1460269357
  • 9781460269350
  • 565,383

Download Cracking the Code to Life Insurance Sales for the Multi Line Agent : 10 Essential Sales Skills to Help You and Your Sales Team Sell Life Insurance (1460269357).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.

